Reputable medical journals shine light on harm caused by masks to children and death risk from COVID jabs

harm-caused-by-masks(NaturalHealth365) Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, health officials have worked hard to fight the spread of “misinformation” about the pandemic illness, its treatments, and most recently, the unapproved, never-before-used-on-human mRNA injection.  (These are shots already demonstrating waning effectiveness, by the way).

These days, however, as more and more peer-reviewed medical journals publish concerning data over everything from injections to mask safety, it seems promising that these questions are finally being taken more seriously.

Harming Peter to save Paul?  Peer-reviewed research suggests deaths saved by COVID injection offset by deaths inflicted by COVID injection

Headlines recently glowed with a bold claim that the massive injection COVID rollout in the United States has so far saved an estimated 279,000 lives and prevented an estimated 1.25 million hospitalizations due to COVID-19, according to data shared by The Commonwealth Fund.

Lives saved is a worthwhile achievement to celebrate, of course – but this hypothesis must be taken into greater context.  For example:

Recently, the peer-reviewed journal Vaccines published a paper analyzing data from the Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) database of the European Medicine Agency and the Dutch National Register.  Based on their analysis, the authors of the paper estimate that for “every three deaths prevented by [injection] we have to accept two inflicted by [injection.]”

After serious blowback, this article was later retracted by the journal’s Editorial Board Members over allegations that the paper “contained several errors that fundamentally affect the interpretation of the findings.”  The retraction says the authors claimed causality when no evidence was available to support this claim.

It is factual that two events being correlated (i.e., injury, illness, or death after receiving an experimental drug) is not enough in itself to prove that the two events are causally linked (i.e., that the injection caused the harm).  But when post-jab adverse events are literally being reported by the thousands, these instances MUST be properly investigated.  Stifling these correlations and acting as if they are outright “invalid” is not scientific.

Meanwhile, in JAMA:  Children wearing masks exposed to HIGH levels of carbon dioxide in as little as three minutes – yet school officials want kids wearing them for hours every day

As for whether masks are “safe and effective,” consider the results of a new randomized controlled trial published in JAMA Pediatrics.

The trial, which included 45 girls and boys aged 6 to 17, showed that face masks trap carbon dioxide and thereby the harm caused by the masks is real.  What’s more, the amount of carbon dioxide measured in the air under the children’s masks after just three minutes exceeded the levels considered unacceptable by the German Federal Environmental Office.  Meanwhile, children who are forced to wear masks in school wear them for an average of 4.5 hours, estimates show.

The build-up of carbon dioxide can lead to impairments caused by hypercapnia (too much carbon dioxide in the blood), including headaches, anxiety, fatigue, and shortness of breath.

Armed with their data as well as previously published evidence from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, the JAMA authors conclude that there is “ample evidence for adverse effects of [wearing masks]” and that children “should not be forced” to wear them.

Of course, it almost goes without saying, that we should do more research on how adults are being affected by having to wear a face mask  (for long periods of time during the day).

Having said that, we look forward to seeing more data released about COVID-related concerns.  The more information we have, the better equipped we are as individuals for making informed decisions about our health.

What are your thoughts?  Do you think it is right to force children to wear masks if the potential harm is real?

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