5 ways to reduce your exposure to EMF dangers

(NaturalHealth365) Today, we are literally surrounded by wireless technology and EMF pollution. From cell phone radiation to Wi-Fi Internet to wireless home appliances and electronics, the air is full of electromagnetic frequencies.
And, by the way, if you don’t personally use wireless technology, you are still being exposed by your neighbors’ devices. Since this technology is relatively new, no one is quite sure what the long-term effects of exposure may be. However, some evidence suggests that these frequencies are causing headaches, migraines, difficulty concentrating, ADHD, tinnitus and insomnia in many people.
In fact, many health experts believe these frequencies could lead to more serious issues such as Parkinson’s disease, arrhythmia, and even cancer.
Being proactive about EMF protection from cell phone radiation and wireless technology
Unfortunately, current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) guidelines are outdated and don’t reflect the potential dangers and risk factors of these technologies. While they warn against thermal damage, there are no warnings about potential non-thermal effects – despite mounting evidence of these dangers.
Because of this, it is essential for you to do your homework and take steps to protect yourself and your family. The following are five easy ways to create EMF protection from cell phone radiation and other wireless technologies:
1. Do you really need a cell phone? The most effective protection from cell phone radiation is to stop using it. If this isn’t possible, at least reduce your usage as much as possible by distancing yourself from the device (as much as possible) and turning it off, when not in use.
2. Go hands-free. If you must use a cell phone, always use a hands-free option like an ear piece or the speaker phone function. If you use an ear piece, make sure it is the corded style that plugs into the phone; Bluetooth or other wireless hands free devices emit frequencies as well.
3. Reduce EMF exposure in the home. If you have a land line, use a corded telephone. You should also opt for wired (Ethernet) internet connections – to all computer devices – instead of wireless (Wi-Fi). In addition, eliminate any other appliances and electronics that use wireless functionality or at least turn of its wireless capabilities.
4. Don’t be too ‘smart.’ Avoid the use of wireless “smart meter” technology for your home. Remember, smart meters are toxic and should be avoided at all costs. And, as far as all of those ‘smart’ technology refrigerators and other appliances, don’t waste your money on these health hazards.
5. Protect vulnerable groups. While everyone can potentially be at risk for negative health effects from cell phone radiation and other wireless technologies, certain groups are at even higher risk. Infants, young children, and teenagers are still developing, and the effects of EMF exposure could affect them more profoundly. Yale and Harvard scientists recently found a correlation between cell phone radiation and impaired brain development in unborn children.
Pregnant mothers, the elderly, the disabled, and those with serious illnesses could also be at a higher health risk. Even males of reproductive age could experience negative effects upon their fertility. While everyone could be at risk, ensuring that vulnerable groups have EMF protection from cell phone radiation is especially important.
Pediatric conference declares cell phones and wireless cause brain cancer and other health issues