FDA health guidelines say Frosted Flakes healthier than an avocado

FDA health guidelines say Frosted Flakes healthier than an avocado

(NaturalHealth365) The fact that a processed, sugar-infused cereal is on the FDA ‘healthy food’ list while avocados are deemed “unhealthy” speaks to a serious problem at the Food and Drug Administration.  Some would suggest that the FDA has completely lost its concern for public health and safety.

In the past, the FDA defined healthy foods by five main criteria: their content of fat, sodium, saturated fat, cholesterol, and beneficial nutrients per ounce. While avocados are a fruit, their unsaturated (healthy) fat content of 4.5 grams per serving have landed them on the FDA’s “unhealthy” list.

The FDA can’t see the difference between healthy and toxic fats

Almonds are also in the “unhealthy” category due to their fat content of 14 g per ounce, as is salmon, despite its abundance of healthy omega-3 fatty acids.  How stupid can they get: choosing processed junk in a box over whole, natural foods.

The sugary cereal Frosted Flakes is considered healthy due to its 0 g fat content, low amounts of sodium and cholesterol, and the presence of a few nutrients. Never mind that each serving has 10 g of sugar and is loaded with processed, glucose-spiking carbohydrates – like a candy bar.

With suggestions like this – from the FDA – it’s no wonder we see diabetes, dementia and cancer rates soaring  within the Western world.

FDA “healthy foods” list features junk food loaded with processed sugar

Back in the 1990s when the FDA created their food guidelines, they didn’t consider sugar to be a health concern.  By their outdated definitions, foods like Spaghetti-Os and Pop Tarts are “healthy,” despite their high content of processed carbohydrates.

Recently, the FDA demanded that the health food bar company Kind remove the word “healthy” from its labels and marketing, despite their products being loaded with antioxidants and essential fatty acids. Again, the FDA still does not make the distinction between unhealthy, harmful fats and the healthy, beneficial ones.

The backlash that followed from conscious consumers caused the FDA to finally admit that their definition of “healthy” is outdated. Unfortunately, changing their criteria for what is healthy looks like it will be years in the making. The organization is slow to act, and its motives have been questionable for some time.

Who is the FDA really working for?

It’s sad that we can no longer trust the word “healthy” – when used by the FDA.  Unfortunately, the words “natural,” “wholesome” and “nutritious” have been used in suspicious ways as well.  But, thankfully, consumers are waking up to the fact that the FDA is in the pockets of the largest food producers in the world.

Whether it’s all about selling more product to add to these companies’ bank accounts or there is a more sinister agenda, it’s clear that the FDA has no problem with promoting outdated (sickening) nutritional advice to the public. Their “guidelines” are in fact misguiding Americans into thinking junk food is healthy and real food is a ‘foolish’ choice.

Until things change, consumers must be very careful and do their own research to find the healthiest foods for their families. Natural and organic is always best, as well as foods with minimal processing.

This Wall Street Journal video illustrates the stupidity of “modern” nutritional advice:

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