Non-celiac gluten sensitivity causes systemic inflammation

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity causes systemic inflammation

(NaturalHealth365) Did you know that non-celiac gluten sensitivity can cause systemic inflammation and wide spread damage to the body similar to those with celiac disease? You may also find this shocking that nearly 18 million Americans suffer with this condition.

Even more surprising: The number of people with gluten intolerance is 6 times greater than the number of Americans who have celiac disease, making non-celiac gluten sensitivity a serious health problem – largely mishandled by conventional medicine.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is changing the way we look at food and health

Given these horrible statistics, it makes sense as to why the gluten free diets has gained tremendous popularity over the past few years, leading to more and more people going ‘gluten free,’ and more gluten free products being made available in grocery stores, and restaurants. While many people may think this is just the newest fad diet, there is actually some groundbreaking research surrounding the health benefits of gluten free eating, and why non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a real health issue.

Celiac disease was not something that was largely talked about until the past couple of years, when gluten sensitivity starting popping up everywhere you looked. This is what has led to some skepticism over whether gluten sensitivity really exists. There’s true celiac disease – which is an autoimmune condition where the body begins to attack itself with gluten consumption, and damage the lining of the small intestine, but then there is gluten sensitivity, where the body reacts negatively in response to eating wheat products.

A gluten sensitivity can present itself in terms of digestive upset, fatigue (especially after eating), skin irritations, and even weight gain. The truth of the matter is that studies have found that even non-celiac gluten sensitivity causes systemic inflammation, and that removing wheat from the diet can effectively reduce overall inflammation.

Modern day farmers are creating mutated wheat products

One of the many reasons gluten sensitivity is becoming such a widespread issue is that the gluten we consume today is nothing like the gluten our grandparents once enjoyed. The first issue comes down to modern day farming practices. These days, it’s not uncommon to see farmers removing inherit wheat traits and mixing them with non-wheat plants – which creates an entirely different batch of genes.

Not to mention the chemicals, and toxic pesticides these wheat products are being sprayed with. Ingesting a product that our bodies just simply cannot recognize leads to an immune response and systemic inflammation. For many people, the habit of eating wheat is a recipe for gut inflammation, an overworked immune system, and inflammation throughout the body.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity and inflammation is revealed by science

If you’re consuming wheat products and are experiencing inflammation, chronic digestive upset, or even certain skin conditions, non-celiac gluten sensitivity may be to blame. The verdict is in that those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity are not actually imagining their symptoms they experience after ingesting wheat, these symptoms are truly caused by the wheat itself.

Research reported by Columbia University Medical Center has stated that those without a formal celiac diagnosis can still experience a whole body immune response to wheat consumption related to a weakening of the intestinal barrier, as well as wheat causing intestinal cell damage. With new research available, people with gluten intolerance may be able to be diagnosed through identifying the inflammation in their bodies – which can help to get them onto a wheat free diet to reduce systemic inflammation and suffering.

Don’t ignore the signs: Your health problems can be eliminated naturally

The great news is that by just removing gluten from the diet, you can begin the healing process. A study published in the journal BMJ Gut showed that wheat sensitive individuals who followed a gluten free diet for 6 months showed huge improvements in their immune systems, and that the symptoms they had experienced continued to subside the longer they stayed on a gluten free diet.

Dr. Peter Green, director of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University stated that symptoms these non-celiac sensitive people experience are not imagined. The symptoms these individuals experience are completely justified based on biologic responses in the body. If you need help – seek the advice of a trusted (integrative) healthcare provider and get started today!


Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

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