Gut infections cause malnutrition and vaccine failure

(NaturalHealth365) When it comes to children, parents only wish for them to be healthy and happy. We also wish the same for ourselves as adults. Unfortunately, that desire has driven many uneducated people to follow ineffective immunization recommendations by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – with the hope that a vaccine will provide some kind of health protection.
Currently, here in the United States, babies are vaccinated with hepatitis B as soon as they are born and then receive boosters from two to 18 months thereafter. In fact, most inoculations against disease are provided to toddlers.
Is this vaccine schedule really necessary?
From birth to six years of age, children can receive up to nearly 40 vaccinations recommended by the CDC – more than twice as many as their parents received when they were small children. Thereafter, nearly 20 vaccinations are recommended for children ages six through 18, including the annual influenza which was once only meant for the elderly. That’s nearly 60 regular vaccinations for today’s 18 year old.
While the CDC continues to add more vaccines to their recommended schedule, many red flags have appeared over the last several years suggesting vaccines have the potential for failure as well as harm. Additionally, researchers are finding a growing trend with vaccines being less effective on children who are malnourished or have gut infections.
Upsetting discovery about malnourished children
Once upon a time, doctors would prescribe more food for malnourished children. However, researchers are now saying that malnutrition and vaccine failure is actually due to damage from infections within the gut.
Researchers from the University of Virginia School of Medicine worked with malnourished children in Bangladesh. When they discovered that food was not enough to conquer malnutrition, it compelled them enough to look at other factors that may be contributing to malnutrition in children.
Soon after, they teamed up with researchers from the University of Vermont and the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research in Bangladesh to determine the cause of malnutrition. Malnutrition’s development was determined in children who were unusually short for their age. Despite the medical care and vaccinations the children were provided, stunted growth increased from 9.5 percent at the beginning of the study to nearly 28 percent by one year. The team found gut infections to be more prevalent in children with stunted growth.
Children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the United States also had similar results as the malnourished children in Bangladesh. The worse the gut inflammation, the less effective the vaccines.
What increases the risk of gut infections in children?
While several studies are showing that breast milk engineers a baby’s gut, the greater half of mothers in the United States prefer feeding their babies with infant formula.
Right from birth, babies are colonized by legions of microbes which are vital for digesting foods and keeping harmful bacteria and pathogens away. They can only get this through their mother’s milk – something that infant formula cannot provide.
In fact, research shows that babies fed breast milk for the first six months of life have a 64 percent reduced risk for non-specific gastrointestinal infections and a 58 percent reduced risk for the intestinal infection, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). On the other hand, infants not breastfed are linked with several diseases – including gut infections. According to Reviews in Obstetrics & Gynecology, evidence has shown formula-fed infants have an increased risk for gastroenteritis and NEC.
Though breastfed infants have a better chance of escaping illness and disease, modern society still tends to breed their children on junk food – which contributes to bad gut microbiota. A combination of infant formula with improper nutrition into childhood are more prone to gut infections (which also lead to disease).
Let’s be honest, vaccines are not the answer to our health problems.
Not only are vaccines failing in children who are malnourished and have bad gut health. Several vaccinations have proven to have side effect and contribute to health risks. More and more studies are also showing that a person’s microbiome is essential to health – something that science may soon prove to be the best way to prevent disease.
About the author: Abby Campbell is a medical, health, and nutrition research writer. She’s dedicated to helping people live a healthy lifestyle in all aspects – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Abby practices, writes, and coaches on natural preventive care, nutritional medicine, and complementary and alternative therapy.