Dr. Pepper Snapple Group uses flame retardant chemical in drinks

(NaturalHealth365) Just about everyone in America is familiar with popular beverages that the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group produces. Canada Dry, Country Time, Crush, Diet Rite, Hawaiian Punch, Margaritaville, Dr. Pepper, Snapple, Sunkist, and Sundrop are just a few of the products that millions of people around the world have enjoyed for years.
While Dr. Pepper Snapple Group makes a huge impact in the food industry, it is not a healthy one unfortunately. Even health conscious folks enjoy an occasional “treat” but opting for one of Dr. Pepper Snapple Group’s beverages – without knowing the consequences. Aside from harmful ingredients like high fructose corn syrup and aspartame, it uses a dangerous chemical that infiltrates your body and may not be easily eliminated after consumption.
It’s known as a “flame retardant” and is so controversial that it has been banned by other countries.
Are they insane? Putting flame retardant in beverages
The controversial ingredient being used in Dr. Pepper Snapple Group’s products is brominated vegetable oil (BVO). It is a synthetic chemical that keeps flavored oils in suspension and provides a cloudy appearance to fruit-flavored sports drinks and soft drinks. It is usually derived from corn, cottonseed, sesame, or soy oil and contains bromine atoms – which “weigh down” the citrus flavoring so that it mixes well with sugar water.
BVO also slows down chemical reactions that cause fires and therefore is considered a “flame retardant.” It was originally designed for upholstered furniture, plastics used in electronics, and some children’s toys to slow the spread of flames.
Research proves BVO is toxic and may not leave the human body
Over recent years, BVO has been under major scrutiny as scientific research is showing that it is linked to several health problems. Thyroid disease, reduced fertility, early puberty onset, and impaired neurological development are just a few.
According to the British Journal of Nutrition, BVO consumption is also proving to build up in the human body, including breast milk. The study showed that bromine stays in the body – particularly fat tissue – even after being on a bromine-free diet. The highest level of bromine were found in the fatty tissue of children.
The Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology also reported a man who was diagnosed with severe bromine intoxication after consuming excessive soda containing BVO. He drank two to four liters each day.
He was admitted to the Davis emergency room at the University of California with symptoms of headache, fatigue, loss of muscle control, and memory loss. His symptoms progressed over the next 30 days with neurological findings that included a droopy eyelid and a central nervous lesion. The patient continued to deteriorate until he was unable to walk.
Despite treatment with saline loading, the man failed to improve. Hemodialysis reduced his serum bromide levels to half and caused his clinical condition.
BVO is banned in Europe, India, and Japan
Due to the disturbing findings throughout the years, the United Kingdom banned the use of BVOs in 1970. India banned it for soft drinks in 1990, and Japan banned it in 2010 as a food additive. It is also banned as a food additive in the European Union.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) originally banned BVO and brought it back temporarily.
In 1958, BVO was designated as generally recognized as safe (GRAS). After research proved its toxic effects on human life, it was withdrawn by the FDA in 1970. However, it was again permitted a few years later in 1977 as a food additive on an “interim” basis. Currently, BVO is being ‘investigated’ by the FDA.
Don’t buy: Beverages loaded with BVO created by the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group
The Dr. Pepper Snapple groups owns dozens of beverage brands. The ones with that currently contain BVO include:
- Crush Orange
- Crush Peach
- Crush Pineapple
- Penāfiel Grapefruit Soda
- Penāfiel Mandarin Soda
- Squirt – all flavors (both regular and diet)
- Stewart’s Key Lime Soda
- Stewart’s Orange ‘N Cream Soda (both regular and diet)
- Sun Drop (both regular and diet)
- Sunkist Fruit Punch
- Sunkist Peach
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group’s fouled up nutrition philosophy
While other large beverage manufacturers have taken an initiative to remove harmful BVO from their products, the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group has yet to follow. Maybe the problem is with their nutrition philosophy. On their main website, they state:
“We believe that the key to healthy living is managing calories in and calories out.”
So, basically they must believe that you can drink this crap – as much as you like – as long as you “burn it off” on a treadmill or something like that. (what a sick way to look at health)
If you drink any of these toxic beverages, do yourself a favor and consider a healthier alternative. Try purified water or organic herbal teas from companies with integrity.
Send a powerful message to companies that create harmful (unhealthy) products … don’t buy them!
About the author: Abby Campbell is a medical, health, and nutrition research writer. She’s dedicated to helping people live a healthy lifestyle in all aspects – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Abby practices, writes, and coaches on natural preventive care, nutritional medicine, and complementary and alternative therapy.