A ‘silent’ cancer: Solutions for myelodysplastic syndromes

(NaturalHealth365) Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of diseases that affect the bone marrow and blood. In MDS, the blood-forming cells – in the marrow – slow down, or even stop, making the three types of blood cells. Most patients with MDS will have low red blood cells, develop anemia and may need blood transfusions.
In addition, some patients also have low numbers of white blood cells and platelets. But, I want to make this really simple to understand and, more importantly, let’s focus on solutions.
What (exactly) does MDS do to the body?
MDS affects the bone marrow and blood so the important blood cells become very weak or fragile. So, you may be wondering, why is that so dangerous and deadly? Generally speaking, it’s because of the important role these blood cells have in keeping the body healthy and strong.
Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout your body.
White blood cells are essential for good health and protection against illness and disease.
Platelets are cells that circulate in the blood and clot to keep us from bleeding.
So, when these blood cells are affected – their ability to carry oxygen through the body is diminished; we lose our ability to ward off infections or viruses and we (potentially) could bleed to death.
Stunning: What does conventional medical tell us about MDS?
Western medicine says, as of now, there is no ‘cure’ for MDS and because it grows silently most people don’t even know they have it – until its severe and life-threatening. If a person is found to have it – in a milder form – they are put in a “watch and wait” mode and conventionally-trained doctors tend to simply conduct frequent blood tests – to check for signs of MDS getting worse.
Can you believe it?! Imagine a loved one being diagnosed with MDS and the doctors says, ‘all we can do is watch and wait.’ The problem is most people see their doctors as the only answer and when they have no clue, which is often, they go home without a plan of action to fix the problem.
Keep in mind, mild MDS can grow more severe over time. It can also develop into a fast-growing, severe leukemia called acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). Bottom line, ‘watching and waiting’ is not an effective way of dealing with any disease.
Is there any HOPE after being diagnosed with MDS?
The bad news is, there is no known cure. The good news is, you don’t always need a cure. What’s more important than a cure?
Naturally, the answer is to find out what causes a disease condition in the first place. When looking at what are the possible causes of MDS, you have to look at what can affect the bone marrow. Here are some possible causes of MDS:
1. Industrial chemicals – there are many, but here are the most common ones – chlorine, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and benzene. The first 3 you have probably heard of but the most dangerous one is benzene.
Benzene is found in crude oil and is a major part of gasoline. It’s used to make plastics, resins, synthetic fibers, rubber lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs and pesticides. In homes, benzene may be found in glues, adhesives, cleaning products, paint strippers, tobacco smoke and gasoline.
2. Radiation – everyday sources of radiation are, wireless technology, microwave oven, power lines, radon, x-rays and CT scans.
3. Heavy metals – Hmm, I wonder how someone would be exposed to these? Well, vaccines and mercury fillings are the top 2 ways we get exposed to heavy metals.
In some cases, MDS is caused by radiation or chemotherapy used to treat a different disease. How does chemotherapy cause this? Chemotherapy kills fast rapidly growing cells, so chemotherapy causes damage to the bone marrow creating weak and fragile blood-forming cells.
Is there anything you can do for MDS?
Conventional medicines answer to MDS is a bone marrow transplant, which is very hard on the body, medications, which have many other side effects or induction chemotherapy – which is very intense.
What can you do if you are diagnosed with MDS?
Test, don’t guess. You need to find a doctor who specializes in toxicity issues and do the proper testing; then a strategic plan of detoxification must be implemented. Of course, following a strict, organic diet and resolving all forms of emotional and psychological stress are essential. Never underestimate the power of lifestyle changes when dealing with cancer – especially a positive outlook on life filled with forgiveness and gratitude.
Nutritional supplements that can help MDS patients
1. Chlorella (daily) – contains chlorophyll which helps purify the blood and allows the body to utilize oxygen more efficiently, so it helps in rebuilding red blood cells. It also supports the elimination of many toxins such as molds and industrial pollutants.
2. Bee Pollen (daily) – which is rich in high-molecular substances such as, nucleic acids, can stimulate the production of white blood cells.
3. Vitamin E (daily) – a study published in the journal Cancer in 2004 found that supplementation with vitamin E or with a multi-vitamin prevented a big drop in neutrophils – a type of white blood cell.
4. Curcumin (daily) – Dr. Azra Raza, the Director of the MDS Center at Columbia University, has said, “I have used curcumin in low-risk MDS patients. A third of those treated with curcumin for at least six months have shown improvement in all three blood counts.”
5. Vitamin C (daily) is a water soluble antioxidant vitamin that is capable of neutralizing potentially damaging free radicals. Vitamin C also helps the white blood cells (WBC) combat infection and is essential for wound healing.
In addition, vitamin C improves the absorption of iron from plant (non-animal) sources. So, vitamin C not only can help increase WBC, it can help fight infections and help the body absorb more iron to help red blood cells.
What is the best type of diet for MDS patients?
It’s important you are following an anti-inflammatory diet. It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses. And, since nutritional supplements have been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect – it makes perfect sense to adhere to an anti-inflammatory diet, as much as possible.
Obviously, this information is NOT designed to treat any medical condition – but, hopefully, this will provide incentive for you to investigate what’s best for you with a qualified medical professional.
About the author: Dr. Charles Majors has devoted over 15 years studying health and healing to prevent, even reverse diseases through natural methods. In September 2010, he was diagnosed with an incurable bone marrow cancer that metastasized to his brain, with only weeks to live, he left conventional medicine and applied the same principles he had been teaching for years to reverse his own cancer and not only survives but thrives. To learn more about Dr. Majors – visit: BeACancerKiller.com.