9 ways to optimize your glutathione levels to support detoxification and immune health

detox-with-glutathione(NaturalHealth365)  Generally speaking, based on widely accepted statistics, well over half of U.S. adults 55 years and older suffer from one or more chronic health conditions – including heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disease.  But, sadly, the lesser-known reality is that researchers say that deficiencies in glutathione (GHS) – the body’s “master” antioxidant – could be a driving force behind this shocking national crisis in illness.

Produced from the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamine, glutathione exists in every cell of the body.  It is so inextricably tied to well-being and survival that researchers report that levels can help predict longevity.  At the same time, tens of thousands of scientific studies attest to the ability of GHS to promote detoxification and healing.

Now for the good news: you can increase your levels of this indispensable substance with simple techniques.

What is glutathione (GHS), and how does it work for us?

Simply put, GHS protects cells from damage by oxidative stress, free radicals and infections.

And there’s no doubt: GHS has a long “to-do” list.

This vital antioxidant helps control inflammation, regulate cell growth, and fight the oxidation of circulating fats in the bloodstream.  It also helps produce proteins, helps the liver detoxify metabolic waste products, and protects against environmental toxins.

Finally, glutathione boosts immune system function and promotes the function of disease-fighting T-cells.  There is even evidence that glutathione can support cancer patients.

Fact: Your levels of GHS drop with normal aging

Unsurprisingly, healthy young people have GHS in abundance.  Levels begin to drop at about age 45, with stress and cellular injury taking a toll.  The very lowest levels are found among people that end up in the hospital and the elderly.

Low levels of glutathione are associated with a dizzying array of health problems, including blood sugar imbalances, skin problems, heart dysfunction, memory issues, body aches and difficulty breathing.

In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that people with cardiovascular issues had low levels of GHS and were at a 30 percent greater risk of having a heart attack.

Let’s take a look at some of the factors that can deplete glutathione levels.

We are bombarded daily with threats to glutathione

In addition to infections, injury, and stress, exposure to toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, GMO foods, and radiation from wireless devices can deplete GHS levels.

To make matter worse, both prescription and over-the-counter medications can deplete GHS.   Acetaminophen – marketed under the brand name Tylenol and found in a wide range of preparations – is particularly toxic.  Excessive amounts of this common painkiller can overwhelm the liver’s stores of glutathione, with life-threatening effects.

But how can you best protect your GHS levels?  While consuming glutathione-rich foods (such as organic avocados, okra, asparagus, and spinach) can help decrease oxidative stress and “spare” the body’s natural stores of glutathione, natural health experts say it is more effective to consume foods and supplements that boost production of this disease-fighting antioxidant.

Naturally, you should consult your holistic healthcare provider before embarking on a ‘new’ diet or supplement routine.

Seek out sulfur-containing foods

One of glutathione’s detoxifying weapons is its sulfur content.  Sulfur binds to toxins and free radicals and helps eliminate them harmlessly from the body.  Studies have shown that sulfur-rich foods can decrease oxidative stress and increase glutathione.

Look for foods rich in sulfur-containing cysteine, such as pasture raised eggs, organic garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale.

Try the natural “whey” to boost GHS

Bioactive, organic grass-fed whey protein contains cysteine, one of the major building blocks of glutathione.

Experts recommend looking for products made from non-denatured protein for maximum benefit.

Protect your “master antioxidant” stores by doing exercise

Moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking, running, jogging, and cycling, can ramp up glutathione.

Research has shown that a combination of cardio and strength training is most effective in building up glutathione.  However, be careful not to overdo it, as overtraining can cause too much stress and, as a result, actually reduce glutathione levels.

Experts recommend starting slowly and working up to 30-minute sessions.

Restore GHS with foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin E

Vitamin C, which converts oxidized GHS back to its active form, can raise levels in red and white blood cells.  One study showed it raised glutathione in red blood cells by 47 percent.  Vitamin E works to protect enzymes that, in turn, protect glutathione.

Organic oranges, red peppers, and strawberries are good sources of vitamin C, while vitamin E is found in almonds, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, and spinach.

Combat age-related depletion of glutathione with N-acetyl cysteine

Studies have shown that pretreatment with N-acetyl cysteine raises glutathione levels in older cells while helping to reduce cell death.

Many natural health experts recommend taking 200 mg to 500 mg of NAC twice daily to boost glutathione.

Utilize alpha-lipoic acid

Research has shown that alpha-lipoic acid, or ALA, helps restore drops in glutathione levels that occur with stress and immune system depletion.

In one study, ALA helped restore blood glutathione status in patients with HIV/AIDS.

Get more glutathione “mileage” with B-complex vitamins

Methylation, the process of adding methyl groups to a DNA molecule, is essential to producing and recycling glutathione.  You can increase methylation with B-complex vitamins, including vitamin B6, pyridoxine, vitamin B12, methylcobalamin, vitamin B9, or folate.

Garbanzo beans, with 557 mcg of folate per half-cup, can provide 100 percent of the recommended daily amount.  Beef liver, pinto beans, and lentils are also great sources.

Seek out selenium

Selenium, an antioxidant mineral, also helps recycle and produce glutathione.

Good sources of selenium include organic Brazil nuts, sardines, grass-fed beef, pasture raised eggs, and spinach.

Make milk thistle your ally

Milk thistle’s active ingredient, silymarin, helps to protect toxin-induced drops in glutathione levels, raising levels in the liver by up to 35 percent.  A holistic doctor might typically recommend 100 mg to 200 mg of milk thistle three times a day with meals.

Bonus detox tip: Get sufficient shut-eye

Here’s one more for good measure: getting enough restful sleep can help maintain and increase glutathione levels, while chronic lack of sleep can decrease them.  Stress reduction techniques – such as biofeedback, guided meditation, yoga, or tai chi – can also help protect precious glutathione stores.

If you want to try glutathione supplementation, talk to a trusted holistic doctor.  Liposomal forms of glutathione, which are less susceptible to being destroyed during digestion, are available.

Editor’s note: When choosing to supplement with many of the items mentioned in this article, I highly recommend you buy these high quality LuvByNature products … including liposomal gluathione, vitamin C and LiverLuv (containing milk thistle).

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