Experts warn pregnant women to keep cell phones and other wireless devices away from their wombs

(NaturalHealth365) Over one hundred physicians, scientists and public health professionals from around the world have joined together to express their concern about the risk that wireless radiation exposures pose to pregnancy. This collective effort, the brainchild of two non-profit organizations, is called the BabySafe Project. It’s essentially an awareness movement for pregnant women to keep cell phones away from their wombs.
“The wireless world may be convenient, but it’s not without risks,” says Patricia Wood, Executive Director of Grassroots Environmental Education and co-creator of the BabySafe Project. “When more than one hundred of the world’s leading medical doctors and researchers on wireless radiation say we have enough evidence for women to take protective action, we think women should know about it.”
Protect our kids: An urgent call for action
Together more than one hundred signatories have signed a joint statement, which sets out the following objectives:
1. It calls on the research community to conduct more studies to identify the mechanisms by which a fetus could be affected by wireless radiation exposures.
2. It also calls on governments to support research and to advance policies and regulations that limit exposures for pregnant women.
3. It calls on industry to implement and explore technologies and designs that will reduce radiation exposures until such research is carried out.
Research links wireless exposures to ADHD and other behavioral issues
Recent scientific studies suggest that radiation from wireless devices is capable of interfering with the tiny electrical impulses that help synapses connect in a developing brain. Researchers at Yale University have found that the brains of laboratory mice exposed to pulsed radio frequency radiation in utero were wired differently from those of the mice who were not exposed. This resulted in behavioral differences that include poorer memory and symptoms that resemble ADHD in children.
The Yale study builds on more than twenty years of research and hundreds of independent, peer-reviewed studies showing that exposure to radiation from wireless devices can have serious non-thermal, biological effects on humans, including DNA strand breaks. The authors of many of these studies are amongst those signatories of the joint statement of the BabySafe Project.
10 tips to reduce your wireless radiation exposure
The authors of the BabysSafe project propose the following actions to reduce your wireless radiation exposures:
1. Avoid carrying your cell phone on your body (e.g. in a pocket or bra).
2. Avoid holding any wireless device against your body when it’s switched on.
3. Use your cell phone with an “air tube” headset or on speaker setting.
4. Avoid using wireless devices in cars, trains or elevators.
5. Avoid cordless phones, especially in bedrooms.
6. Connect to the Internet with wired cables.
7. When using Wi-Fi, connect only to download, then disconnect afterwards.
8. Avoid prolonged or direct exposure to Wi-Fi routers.
9. Unplug your home Wi-Fi router when not in use (e.g. at bedtime).
10. Sleep as far away from wireless utility meters (i.e. “smart” meters) as possible.
There are now so many different sources of wireless exposures in our homes and workplaces that its only when we actually take readings of our radio frequency exposures with an EMF meter that we truly comprehend the ubiquitous nature of our exposures. That’s why an important first step in dealing with your wireless exposures is to take readings with an EMF meter. This is really quite simple to do.
No down-side to protecting your baby from radiation
Dr. Hugh Taylor, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yale-New Haven Hospital, Professor of Women’s Health at Yale University, lead author of the study, says “the fetus is perhaps the most vulnerable to these types of insults, when the brain is just forming, when all of the organ systems are just beginning to develop.” He goes on to say, “there’s essentially no downside to being cautious and protecting your baby. Why not do it?”
Dr. Aviva Romm, who specializes in obstetrics in Western Massachusetts who is also one of the doctors who signed the warning says, “the fetus is exposed at a much higher level than adults because they’re so small.” She goes on to explain that “they’re laying down the architecture for their entire nervous system. Anything that affects it during fetal development can have implications.”
About the author: Lloyd Burrell is the founder of His website offers solutions to the growing number of people whose health is being compromised by exposure to wireless and similar technologies. Download his free EMF Health Report today!
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