Essential oils for gut health

Essential oils for gut health

(NaturalHealth365) Are you suffering with gut health issues? Being hard on the digestive system has become a cultural norm, and it’s only getting worse. Poor food choices, chronic stress and elevated chemical exposure have all contributed to a slew of health conditions and the question many are asking is whether or not natural therapies can reverse the damage.

Of course, the medical community tells us, “No,” they insist that the solution is pharmaceutical intervention. The problem is that all drugs come with a cost, which is why holistic remedies like essential oils for gut health have become so popular because there are virtually no side effects if used properly!

Three gut health issues helped by essential oils

Essential oils may not always be the perfect solution for every gut health problem, but there are definite cases where their use is indicated and even preferred.

1. SIBO and Dysbiosis: The microbial balance in the gut can be altered in many ways. This is known as “dysbiosis” and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is one of the most troubling varieties, because it is connected with irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) and metabolic disorders. (1)

Essential oils are useful for SIBO symptom relief without damaging beneficial bacteria, which is profound considering all drugs destroy the microfloral balance in the gut. Specifically, caraway, lavender, and bitter orange were found to be stand-out examples of oils that harmonize well with the beneficial bacteria in the body. (2)

2. IBS: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has traditionally been a catchall term used to describe unknown gut issues that affects more than 10% of the global population. (3)  Recently, there has been significant research showing how a few drops of peppermint oil taken 2-3 times per day in an enteric coated capsule can significant improve pain, discomfort and facilitate healing at the cellular level. (4)

3. Nausea: Anyone who has experienced nausea knows that scent has a major effect on how you feel, in either a positive or negative manner. Inhaled essential oils are an excellent tool for managing nausea of nearly any cause and we see that peppermint and ginger work well together. (5)

Refreshing citrus oils can also be beneficial, with lemon standing out as helpful for dreaded morning sickness nausea in pregnancy. (6)  Aroma sticks can be helpful to inhale the scent as needed, or simply open the bottle and enjoy the aroma in moments of queasiness.

Healing the gut with essential oils

While these oils can be a benefit to overall gut health and can facilitate gut healing, do use caution when approaching disease states. Essential oils are powerful and should be treated with the respect they deserve. Two safely tips to remember are:

1. Topical application – always use carrier oil and use a 2% dilution (6 drops of essential oils per 1 teaspoon of carrier oil like coconut, jojoba, or sweet almond).

2. Internal application – always put in a capsule, limit essential oils to 2-3 drops, and wait at least 5 hours before next dose.

Ginger essential oil is the traditional remedy for nausea and general digestive complaints, and the citrus oils can help peripheral issues, like anxiety and microbial concerns. These 4 oils are also exceptionally helpful.

Cumin oil has been shown to significantly reduce pain, bloating, and elimination problems in IBS patients. (7)

Coriander and Lemon Balm – As we have seen, peppermint has long been indicated for IBS. (8)  A 2013 study also suggests that coriander and lemon balm can help, as well. (9)

Lavender – A well-reputed source of an anti-inflammatory with healing properties, lavender is highly effective against dysbiosis. It is also one of the most anxyolitic (anti-anxiety) essential oils, which helps gut issues tremendously. (10)

Thyme – Thyme is also a superhero in the world of gut health. For SIBO, two chemicals in thyme oil (thymol and geraniol) have been shown “effective in suppressing pathogens in the small intestine, with no concern for beneficial commensal colonic bacteria in the distal gut.” (11)

About the author: Founder of and Biblical Health Academy, Dr. Eric L. Zielinski is a sought-after public health researcher, Biblical health educator and speaker. Dr. Z’s mission is to provide the world with simple, evidenced-based tools that they need to experience the Abundant Life. He lives in Atlanta with his wife and children.

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