Food packaging chemical causes irreversible damage to children’s teeth

(NaturalHealth365) The results of a new study should be of concern to parents. The findings suggest that the exposure of young children to a chemical included in food packaging components can result in irreversible tooth enamel damage.
Another chemical used in common fungicides causes these damaging effects as well. The study findings were presented in Munich, Germany at the 2016 European Congress of Endocrinology. The message here is clear: let the buyer beware.
Food packaging chemicals that should be illegal, but they’re not
The two chemicals particularly harmful to children’s tooth enamel are BPA (bisphenol A) and vinclozolin. BPA is found in a number of resins and plastics used for food packaging. Vinclozolin is a fungicide used to treat golf courses, orchards and vineyards. These compounds disrupt the hormones that are responsible for healthy tooth enamel growth.
Additional studies conducted over the years have shown that both vinclozolin and BPA act as endocrine disruptors in the body. A Medical News Today report from the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research agreed with these findings.
BPA and vinclozolin linked to cancer and reproductive issues
Generally speaking, we know that these chemicals – found inside food packaging and fungicides – interfere with our hormonal balance. All animals, including humans, are at increased risk of cancer, reproductive issue, birth defects, and other problems – when exposed to these toxic substances.
Previous studies have shown a relationship between endocrine disruptors and molar incisor hypomineralization, a condition in which the enamel of the permanent teeth are damaged during early development. The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research gave rats daily doses of BPA that were equivalent to exposure of a typical human from birth to one month old. Both BPA and viclozolin affected the genes in control of the mineralization and proper development of the tooth enamel.
This is just another really good reason to buy fresh (organic) foods – as much as possible.
Processed foods that cause tooth sensitivity, discomfort and discoloration
Molar incisor hypomineralization is not reversible, as damaged enamel will not grow back. This condition affects around 18 percent of kids 6 to 9 years old. These children suffer from uncomfortable tooth sensitivity when exposed to cold beverages and foods. Their teeth can also become a yellow, cream or brown color as well.
While it is well known that certain beverages like fizzy, sugary soft drinks and dark drinks that can stain teeth aren’t the best choices for tooth enamel, it seems that the BPA in many types of food packaging can escalate these issues. Bisphenol A can, in a worst-case scenario, disrupt enamel development irreversibly in children.
Minimizing BPA and insecticide exposure is crucial for optimal health
The researchers found children five years old or younger were most at risk for this condition, as this is a critical time for the release of hormones required for stimulating enamel growth. Tooth enamel begins developing from the third pregnancy trimester to age five. Because of this, it is critical to minimize kids’ exposure to endocrine disruptors at this time.
BPA is banned in baby bottles, but the risk from exposure to food packaging and insecticides is still a major threat. The Campbell’s Soup company has expressed plans to stop using BPA in its cans. But, consumers should petition all food and beverage brands to do the same.
We must continue to tell food manufactures how we feel … ‘stop poisoning us’ now!