Fight cancer and reduce inflammation with ginger

(NaturalHealth365) A February 2012 article in the British Journal of Nutrition recognizes the many benefits of ginger. It is consumed as a spice around the world, but also has clear and proven medicinal benefits. It includes beneficial and healthy compounds such as bioactive phenolics, gingerols, paradols, shogaols, and gingerones. These compounds display anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antioxidant properties.
The health benefits of ginger have been reported on for thousands of years. In fact, scientists are aware that ginger helps to reduce inflammation and noticeably reduces nausea from morning sickness and motion sickness. Researchers are now studying ginger to see exactly what conditions it treats and how it treats them.
Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers a wonderful ginger product called ZingiQOL™ – a potent ginger extract to promote gut health and eliminate nausea. Click here to order today!
Ginger helps to eliminate inflammation – safely and effectively
Integrative healthcare experts report that ginger reduces inflammation through its gingerol compounds. Gingerols can be just as good as conventional anti-inflammatory medication when taken regularly. Naturally, when inflammation is reduced, pain tends to go away, too.
So, to say the obvious, this makes ginger a particularly good remedy for symptoms of arthritis, though it works for many other inflammatory conditions and pain, as well.
Studies prove ginger has anti-inflammatory properties
Scientific studies conducted on ginger have shown that those taking ginger showed much more improvement in pain and inflammation over the study period than those taking a placebo. Different varieties of ginger show the same anti-inflammatory benefits. Red ginger, for example, has been shown to be just as good as regular ginger when it comes to reducing inflammation.
In addition, ginger can reduce inflammation in virtually any form, too, including whole ginger, ginger tea, extract, tincture, and powder.
Great news for cancer patients: ‘Ginger is a winner’
Another one of the benefits of ginger that science is studying seriously is its ability to kill cancer cells in humans. Other Recommended Resources reports that ginger extract killed prostate cancer cells in humans while keeping the healthy cells alive. These results were achieved with study participants taking 100 mg of ginger extract a day per one kg of personal weight.
The study participants found that with only taking ginger extract, prostate cancer growth was cut in half; it is theorized that 100 grams of fresh ginger a day can achieve the same results.
As can be seen, ginger has many benefits. A lot of these have been talked about throughout human history, as ginger has been used as a folk medicine for practically as long as human society has existed. People take it for a variety of reasons, and swear by the results.
Now, more than ever, science recognizes that ginger has medicinal properties that are genuine and real. It is one of the few herbs with reported medicinal properties that scientists take seriously.
Just to be clear, ginger has been scientifically proven that it can fight cancer and reduce or eliminate inflammation. As scientists continue to study ginger, it is entirely likely that even more medicinal benefits of this wonder herb will be discovered and proven as real.